Friday, May 8, 2015

Getting fit the cute way!

So in my last post, I mentioned that I would be focusing more on my health, and I really want to share all of that with you! I've decided to try making my fitness a little more "kawaii desu!" if anything because it will be fun and I'm hoping it will motivate me a little more.

Here's a moment of truth: I weigh 260 lbs. That's a lot. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been in my life, and I hate that it took me until now for it to really click. For a long time, I listened to the people who told me "Fat is okay! Fat is pretty! Fat is great!" and while those statements may be true for some people, they don't hold true for me. I don't want that to seem like I'm fat-shaming, I'm not. If you are truly happy with your body, then I'm truly happy for you! But for me, I can't move the way I used to, it's causing me thyroid problems among others, and I can't look good in the clothes I want to look good in. There are tons of other ways that being fat has affected my life negatively, but that would take the entire post. For a long time, I truly believed the people in my life who told me I was fat and lazy. I took it to mean that it was an unchangeable part of my identity - there could be no such thing as a skinny Sierra. There never had been, and there never would be. Some people had me convinced that I just wasn't worth the time and effort it would take to become healthier - that I was undeserving of putting that much into myself. It took a lot to convince myself that they were wrong.

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, making a list of all the things I need to finish for Colossalcon and adding "cute new bathing suit" to the list. That's right, I've decided to take on the swimsuit beast! I love to swim, and now that its summer I can spend a couple hours in the pool each day. Unfortunately, I don't have a very...hydrodynamic... swimsuit right now. While it's cute, it doesn't exactly hold the girls in during athletic swimming, and it's not as cute as I would like it to be. I have some silver spandex left over from a rave outfit (don't remind me!) and I plan to turn it into an adorable, flattering, and functional space cadet-esque bathing suit!

No! Not like this!!!

Definitely more like this! A halter neck and a fun peplum to hide my tummy a bit! I'll most likely also install some sort of bra something for support. Still trying to figure out what other details I might want to add - a heart shaped keyhole?

This is just part one of my fitness posts - I plan on making tutorials for altering your own exercise clothes to be super cute, tutorials of the clothes I make, cutesy workouts and meal ideas and more!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Turning over a new leaf (or two, or three)

Recently, I've found myself bombarded with new commitments, schoolwork, and a variety of health issues. Thinking back now, I simply put too much on my plate all at once. In my enthusiasm to get Star Lace Dreams up and running the proper way, I exhausted myself. Now here I am, barely making assignments, commissions jammed up because I took too many and had to rearrange quite a few because they all had different deadlines, and dreading the approach of Colossalcon because I know I don't have enough things done.
So I've decided to step back a bit, slow down, and relax. I'm going to do what I can, and I need to focus on my health because all of this stress isn't helping at all. Colossalcon looms over me like a dreaded storm cloud and I know I need to cut down if I'm going to weather it (and possibly even *gasp* enjoy it!) Here are the things that are changing on my to-do list:

1. I most likely will not be participating in the arts and crafts fair at Colossalcon this year. Instead, I'd like to take my time on the items I make and actually focus on stocking up the store.
2. My Hobbit print will be pushed to a release in July. My artists have their own schoolwork to worry about, and we've come to the conclusion that we'd rather not rush this, because even if we somehow finished it tonight, there would be no way the fabric printers would get everything worked out in time.
3. I will be focusing solely on just a few outfits for the Colossalcon fashion show. By omitting the Hobbit coordinates, I'm down to three, and am adding one or two more with premade items to fill in the space.
4. I will be re-opening for commissions after the first week of June but will not be taking as many. My fiance has encouraged me to work less and sew more for myself over the break and make this the "Summer of Sierra." I'm nervous because this is the first time since I lived with my parents that I've allowed someone else to provide my support but I'm hoping it will allow my health to improve and allow me to get a better grip on what I want Star Lace Dreams to become.
5. I want to rediscover what lolita means to me. Recently I've been doubting my love of lolita, and questioning what keeps me in the fashion. I've realized that I've lost touch with the lifestyle aspects that I originally fell in love with, and it hit me that I hardly ever wear lolita anymore. I used to put it on whenever I could but now I find myself slaving over three or four OTT coords a year for meetups. I want to slow down. I want to sip rose tea and spend hours meticulously decorating cookies. I want to catch up on every show that people tell me to watch that I never have the time for, I want to have the afternoons available to me so I can learn to ribbon embroider. I want to be a princess in the modern world once more. I'm tired of being caught up in the race for more likes and reblogs. I just want to breath again.

To everyone who is patiently awaiting their commissions, I thank you. School will be over on May 5 and I will finally be able to finish everything I need to.
When Colossalcon is over, expect a fresh new look and a more solid business strategy. I'm going to come back stronger than ever!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Star Lace Dreams has a Tumblr!

After many recommended to me that I create a tumblr account, I caved and went for it! It's not a particularly user-friendly interface, but with a quick crash-course from a friend, I think I've got it all figured out! I'll be posting tutorials, lolitas in their lovely handmade outfits, shop updates, and the occasional piece of inspiration! Please check it out, and follow! <3